Partnership in human rights through education

Guatemala Scholarship Partners

Slideshow of before and after photos

Students are chosen from the poorest families and must have that burning desire to put in the long hours it takes to succeed. 

Following is a slide show of students entering middle school in their early teens and graduating as confident adults with a professional degree six years later. 

Allan Alexander as a sixth grader.

Allan was orphaned at an early age and raised by his 80 year-old grandmother. The scholarship gave him hope for the future. 

Allan Alexander graduated with a degree in accounting. 

Bianca was told she couldn’t go to school after 6th grade because the family was too poor. 

Bianca graduated with a degree in computer science and plans to go on to university. 

Genoveva was the first in her family to read and write.

Genoveva graduated with a university prep degree in arts and sciences.

Keylin Paola’s family couldn’t afford to send her to middle school. 

Keylin graduated with a degree in business administration. 

Robin was one of the few boys who was awarded a scholarship. 

 Robin, right, graduated with a degree in accounting along with Selvin and Mariela. 

Rubi Daniela was a hard working teenager whose mother could not afford to send her to school. 

Rubi Daniela graduated with a degree in accounting. She was also elected Indigenous Queen to represent the town of Rabinal at festivals throughout the year. 

Selvin won a scholarship to continue to middle school. 

Selvin graduated with a degree in accounting and was chosen to participate in national student activities. 

Wendy Carola had the chance to continue school rather than marry at an early age. 

Wendy Carola graduated with a degree in arts and sciences as preparation for university. 

Yoselin Araceli during the application process. 

Yoselin graduated with a degree in accounting even with the additional challenges of online school during the pandemic. 

Alan Brandon lives in a house of corrugated roofing.

Alan Brandon graduated in 2022 with a degree in accounting. Every student’s desire is to get a job to help their parents and siblings. 

Lester as a sixth grader.  His father died when he was 12. 

Lester’s mother insisted that he stay in school. She worked doubly hard so he could graduate with a degree in accounting. 

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