In 2004 thousands of survivors marched on the Chixoy dam demanding that the government address the human rights violations that occurred there in the 1980s.
In 2004 ADIVIMA led a massive demonstration on the Chixoy dam resulting in the arrest of several leaders including Juan de Dios Garcia and Carlos Chen.
Continued demonstrations and court cases finally led to a three-year long negotiation with the government, World Bank and Organization of American States for a Plan of Reparations culminating in 2010.
The Plan was to compensate the communities whose lands were inundated by the reservoir and to provide basic services where they now live.
But in spite of the Plan of Reparations being signed, the government refused to comply. ADIVIMA responded with more demonstrations and court cases and finally sought international support.
The following page describes the results of international pressure.
The leaders including Juan de Dios García were put under house arrest for two years before the case was thrown out for lack of evidence.
A plan of reparations was signed in 2010 between ADIVIMA and the government but not implemented until 2015 under extreme economic pressure from the US. ADIVIMA’s lobbying efforts in Washington, D.C. garnered the support of Senators and Congressmen in this struggle for human rights.
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